Wednesday, December 29, 2010
It's nice to have the chance to prepare, to reassure yourself that you're ready, and to perform without the pressure of an audience.
I recently went to my first official yoga class with my sister. As an athlete, I loved the combination of strength and flexibility required, but I am also drawn to the peacefulness it inspires within me.
My friends and I spend a lot of time going through old yearbooks and discussing the people and events recorded in them. I love the compilation of memories. I recently found my parents' old yearbooks and had a good laugh imagining what they were like in high school and seeing how much and how little had changed since then.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I'm not sure I can successfully summarize all of the things about Christmas that I am grateful for.
Of course, the time with family and close friends is a blessing, especially in a house where we spend so much time laughing.
The presents, both wanted and needed, do not go unnoticed and I give thanks for all of them.
But the true meaning of Christmas always leaves me in awe, without words to fully express my gratitude. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a man, who was also a God, and who I consider to be my savior. I don't spend much time discussing my religion or spiritual beliefs. I attend a Christian school where Christianity is assumed of all students and rarely questioned. When I do feel compelled to be open about the subject, it is in defense of my liberal views and how they fit into Christianity (which, I might add, they do with ease.) But here is a fact, I believe in Jesus, the One True Son of God, who came to this earth so that I may live without the guilt of my sins. And I owe my whole life, all the gratitude in my heart, to that.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Kids Behind Me at Church
They sang so loudly, so passionately, so out of key. They couldn't contain their excitement for Christmas. I hope they got everything they asked for.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Kiddos
My sisters and I have tag-teamed babysitting for the same family since the kids were born. They've now almost officially outgrown babysitters, with the exception of when they need rides places. As the kids are nearing 10 and 12-years-old, I'm grateful that I've gotten to be in their lives so actively since day one. They are amazing little monsters, frighteningly intelligent, and overwhelmingly athletic in their tiny toned bodies. I can't wait to see where these next few years take them, as they make their way through middle school, high school, and beyond. I have no doubt they will be accomplishing some really big things.
Thanks for being so fun, Ev and Colie. I love you guys.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's nice to celebrate successes in relationships. It's also nice, as in this case, to celebrate memories of people who have passed. It seems impossible that it has been four years since my grandpa passed away. He was a good man, but he was sick and in pain for much of his life as I remember it. His death, when it came, came as a blessing in disguise. But I will never forget the days spent in the hospital not knowing what was next or how our family came together to support my grandma through the decisions and the pain. With every bad comes good.
RIP Grandpa. We love you. I'm so grateful for the nearly 18 years I was able to spend with you.
My Home Church
My church is just as much a part of home to me as my house is. It has been a big part of my life since birth, it is how my parents met and where they were married, it is the church all of my grandparents attend, and I've known most of the congregation as long as I can remember. I am blessed to be able to come back after so much time away and still feel at home. I'm excited to be able to share my passions with the congregation and honored to be asked to do so.
Thank you FCC and everyone I know there.
Silly Traditions
The traditions we have in my family never cease to bring me to tears from laughter. From intentionally buying "cheap and thoughtless gifts" to watching unconventional and far from wholesome movies together at Christmas, we spend a lot of time laughing together.
Thank you.
Christmas Shopping
I love being able to buy and make gifts for the people that mean the most to me.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Meredith is my older sister and biggest role model. She has guided my musical preferences, my idea of what it means to be "cool," my sense of humor, and my desire to live for something greater than myself, my whole life.
Meredith is an extremely gifted teacher, spending her time working with children with emotional and behavioral abilities. She is one of the primary reasons I want to be a social worker, so that I, too, can make an impact in the lives of these children.
Meredith is also the most determined, hard working person I have ever met. She knows how to excel at the things she puts her mind too and win everyone over in the process with that little bit of Keedy charm.
Thank you, Meredith, for walking before me so that I could find the courage to do big things. If you weren't there to go first and pave the way for me, I don't know where I would be today. You are beautiful and talented and so strong.
I love you.
Due Dates
I work best under pressure. If there were not due dates assigned to assignments, they would never get done for me. Like stress, due dates motivate me to finish my work in a timely manner. And it always feels great when you're done.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Nights With Great Stories
Some nights you just know you'll never forget.
Thanks to everyone who made it memorable.
Delicious Christmas Food
The Christmas season is one of few times when indulging in unreasonable amounts of chocolate and peppermint is socially acceptable. I'm grateful for that.
Sometimes comfort is found in unexpected places or situations. Regardless of where you seek it, it is a blessing to find.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Anger is an emotion that tells you when something is wrong. I'm grateful for the warning sign that things need to change or that they're unfair. It takes a lot to make me truly mad, but I am thankful for the ability to feel so passionately and for the motivation it gives me to make changes.
Snow Days
There's nothing cozier than being bundled up inside, warm and safe, while the snow drifts outside your window. Snow certainly has it's downsides, but have a cozy day off is nice.
Thanks, Mother Nature.
Good Bye Kisses
Good byes are no fun, but I'm always thankful for the moment when you acknowledge how much that person means to you and send them on their way.
Meeting Friends' Families
I love knowing where my friends come from, what their lives are like away from school. I'm honored when I can get a glimpse into the life of my friends and their siblings.
Silly Games
We're supposed to be grown ups, but every once in awhile I'd prefer to still be a kid.
Thanks for playing with me, friends.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Getting Off Work Early
It's like a 2 hour surprise vacation. And I really needed those 2 hours.
As much as I try to avoid going to the doctor, they are around for a reason, and sometimes they're really quite helpful. Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I've been working on this project for quite awhile now. It's done. It's done well. I'm satisfied and it feels good.
Lunch with the Whole Family
I love being able to sit around the table with mom, dad, sisters, and grandparents. I'm so blessed to have a family that is so close.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
High School Reunions
Today I was able to get together with five of the women who made my high school days so enjoyable. They've been up to some really impressive things in the last 4 years and I am honored to know them and call them my friends.
Thanks, Sarah, Alix, Ana, Jess, and Leah. You all are fabulous.
It seems only appropriate in a Gratitude Blog to celebrate Thanksgiving. For some, Thanksgiving is the one day of the year where they actually take the time to show gratitude for the blessings in their life. I hope that they find far more things to be thankful for than they could have ever imagined. As for me, I'd like to make every day a day of thanksgiving, because it's so hard to be sad when you're grateful for every second.
Thanks. Happy Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Drives Home
It may seem like the trip is extra long when you're anticipating your homecoming, but there's so much to look forward to at the end of the trip.
Sick Days
It's your body's way of forcing you to take a mini-vacation when you need one.
Thanks, body, for knowing what I need.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
"Poor Leo" was a very special cat. He had a lot of health issues, but he made the best of the life he had.
RIP Leo.
Formal never ever disappoints.
Thank you to all the Dorians and dates who made it memorable.
Thanks, Hannah, for going through the whole crazy weekend with me!
Guardian Angels
Friday night had me in an emergency situation I never anticipated... broken down on the shoulder of the interstate on the Michigan-Indiana state line, alone, in the dark, at rush hour, waiting for a tow truck for two hours. I'm extremely grateful that my car was able to get off of the interstate before shutting down completely. I know someone was looking out for me because no semis hit my car while I waited, even though I had no power to turn on the headlights or blinkers to warm them I was there, and even though I was frighteningly close to the 70 mph traffic.
Thank you, tow truck driver, for being so kind, rescuing me and my car, and taking me to as safe a location as could be found.
Thank you, parents, for your immediate 2 hour journey to pick me up from the shady Denny's Tow Truck Dan took me to and for getting my car back and for paying for all of the repairs and for dinner.
Thank you thank you thank you, beautiful angels, who kept me safe through the whole ordeal.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
... and I'm not talking about phone calls. God puts people on your heart when that person needs you and it's important to answer the call, even if it seems silly. A wise friend taught me this important lesson. She never fails to answer the call to make the call, send the note, remind the person that she's still around for them, even if it's been years. Sometimes she sits down right there on the phone and prays with the person. Her timing is impeccable.
I'm learning to reach out when I hear the call. It's a scary lesson, but I have faith it will be worth it.
Thank you.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Being Able to Get Over the Awkward
My internship requires me to have a lot of awkward conversations with young girls. I love when we can just acknowledge the awkward, get past it, and move forward with the lesson. Today ended up being so fun.
Thanks, girls.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Back Up Plans
Sometimes things just don't go how you expect them to, but other (maybe even better) things fall into place. It's pretty awesome.
Monday, November 15, 2010
More Than Coincidence
Today I taught a lesson to some new students that were the exact people who needed it. I pray they took the information to heart.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Post Secret is an awesome project that allows everyone to get some things off their chests and to not feel so alone. It's entertaining and addicting and it's very powerful.
Relay For Life
Cancer is a disease that will effect almost everyone in some way throughout their life; whether it be personally, or through a friend or acquaintance. But at Relay For Life, we're fighting back and we're remembering those who have lost the fight. Hope College raised $35,022 for the American Cancer Society!!!
The Library
Motivation is hard to come by, but in the library, hid away in a study booth, I can get a lot done. The library is also an incredible and precious collaborative source of knowledge. The books hold our past and our plans for the future; information on a million cultures throughout the history of the world.
Break Throughs
It's an awesome feeling to know I'm getting through to the teens that I work with. They're finally engaging, letting loose, and learning something important. I'm so proud of them.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Good News
I've been working on this all semester and it's finally going to actually happen!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
An Extra Hour
Last spring I wrote here about how I don't especially like Daylight Savings Time. But an extra hour of sleep is always, always a blessing.
Thanks, DST!
The First Snow
Living in Michigan I'm learning to love winter. Snow is nature's glitter and everything looks good with a little sparkle. Even when I'm frustrated by the cold that comes with snow, or the slick roads and the need to dig my car out from under it all, I am still grateful to live in a place with four beautiful seasons.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
This Poem
"Say Yes"
when two violins are placed in a room
if a chord on one violin is struck
the other violin will sound the note
if this is your definition of hope
this is for you
the ones who know how powerful we are
who know we can sound the music in the people around us
simply by playing our own strings
for the ones who sing life into broken wings
open their chests and offer their breath
as wind on a still day when nothing seems to be moving
spare those intent on proving god is dead
for you when your fingers are red
from clutching your heart
so it will beat faster
for the time you mastered the art of giving yourself for the sake of someone else
for the ones who have felt what it is to crush the lies
and lift truth so high the steeples bow to the sky
this is for you
this is also for the people who wake early to watch flowers bloom
who notice the moon at noon on a day when the world
has slapped them in the face with its lack of light
for the mothers who feed their children first
and thirst for nothing when they're full
this is for women
and for the men who taught me only women bleed with the moon
but there are men who cry when women bleed
men who bleed from women's wounds
and this is for that moon
on the nights she seems hung by a noose
for the people who cut her loose
and for the people still waiting for the rope to burn
about to learn they have scissors in their hands
this is for the man who showed me
the hardest thing about having nothing
is having nothing to give
who said the only reason to live is to give ourselves away
so this is for the day we'll quit or jobs and work for something real
we'll feel for sunshine in the shadows
look for sunrays in the shade
this is for the people who rattle the cage that slave wage built
and for the ones who didn't know the filth until tonight
but right now are beginning songs that sound something like
people turning their porch lights on and calling the homeless back home
this is for all the shit we own
and for the day we'll learn how much we have
when we learn to give that shit away
this is for doubt becoming faith
for falling from grace and climbing back up
for trading our silver platters for something that matters
like the gold that shines from our hands when we hold each other
this is for the grandmother who walked a thousand miles on broken glass
to find that single patch of grass to plant a family tree
where the fruit would grow to laugh
for the ones who know the math of war
has always been subtraction
so they live like an action of addition
for you when you give like every star is wishing on you
and for the people still wishing on stars
this is for you too
this is for the times you went through hell so someone else wouldn't have to
for the time you taught a 14 year old girl she was powerful
this is for the time you taught a 14 year old boy he was beautiful
for the radical anarchist asking a republican to dance
cause what's the chance of everyone moving from right to left
if the only moves they see are NBC and CBS
this is for the no becoming yes
for scars becoming breath
for saying i love you to people who will never say it to us
for scraping away the rust and remembering how to shine
for the dime you gave away when you didn't have a penny
for the many beautiful things we do
for every song we've ever sung
for refusing to believe in miracles
because miracles are the impossible coming true
and everything is possible
this is for the possibility that guides us
and for the possibilities still waiting to sing
and spread their wings inside us
cause tonight saturn is on his knees
proposing with all of his ten thousand rings
that whatever song we've been singing we sing even more
the world needs us right now more than it ever has before
pull all your strings
play every chord
if you're writing letters to the prisoners
start tearing down the bars
if you're handing our flashlights in the dark
start handing our stars
never go a second hushing the percussion of your heart
play loud
play like you know the clouds have left too many people cold and broken
and you're their last chance for sun
play like there's no time for hoping brighter days will come
play like the apocalypse is only 4...3...2
but you have a drum in your chest that could save us
you have a song like a breath that could raise us
like the sunrise into a dark sky that cries to be blue
play like you know we won't survive if you don't
but we will if you do
play like saturn is on his knees
proposing with all of his ten thousand rings
that we give every single breath
this is for saying-yes
this is for saying-yes
when two violins are placed in a room
if a chord on one violin is struck
the other violin will sound the note
if this is your definition of hope
this is for you
the ones who know how powerful we are
who know we can sound the music in the people around us
simply by playing our own strings
for the ones who sing life into broken wings
open their chests and offer their breath
as wind on a still day when nothing seems to be moving
spare those intent on proving god is dead
for you when your fingers are red
from clutching your heart
so it will beat faster
for the time you mastered the art of giving yourself for the sake of someone else
for the ones who have felt what it is to crush the lies
and lift truth so high the steeples bow to the sky
this is for you
this is also for the people who wake early to watch flowers bloom
who notice the moon at noon on a day when the world
has slapped them in the face with its lack of light
for the mothers who feed their children first
and thirst for nothing when they're full
this is for women
and for the men who taught me only women bleed with the moon
but there are men who cry when women bleed
men who bleed from women's wounds
and this is for that moon
on the nights she seems hung by a noose
for the people who cut her loose
and for the people still waiting for the rope to burn
about to learn they have scissors in their hands
this is for the man who showed me
the hardest thing about having nothing
is having nothing to give
who said the only reason to live is to give ourselves away
so this is for the day we'll quit or jobs and work for something real
we'll feel for sunshine in the shadows
look for sunrays in the shade
this is for the people who rattle the cage that slave wage built
and for the ones who didn't know the filth until tonight
but right now are beginning songs that sound something like
people turning their porch lights on and calling the homeless back home
this is for all the shit we own
and for the day we'll learn how much we have
when we learn to give that shit away
this is for doubt becoming faith
for falling from grace and climbing back up
for trading our silver platters for something that matters
like the gold that shines from our hands when we hold each other
this is for the grandmother who walked a thousand miles on broken glass
to find that single patch of grass to plant a family tree
where the fruit would grow to laugh
for the ones who know the math of war
has always been subtraction
so they live like an action of addition
for you when you give like every star is wishing on you
and for the people still wishing on stars
this is for you too
this is for the times you went through hell so someone else wouldn't have to
for the time you taught a 14 year old girl she was powerful
this is for the time you taught a 14 year old boy he was beautiful
for the radical anarchist asking a republican to dance
cause what's the chance of everyone moving from right to left
if the only moves they see are NBC and CBS
this is for the no becoming yes
for scars becoming breath
for saying i love you to people who will never say it to us
for scraping away the rust and remembering how to shine
for the dime you gave away when you didn't have a penny
for the many beautiful things we do
for every song we've ever sung
for refusing to believe in miracles
because miracles are the impossible coming true
and everything is possible
this is for the possibility that guides us
and for the possibilities still waiting to sing
and spread their wings inside us
cause tonight saturn is on his knees
proposing with all of his ten thousand rings
that whatever song we've been singing we sing even more
the world needs us right now more than it ever has before
pull all your strings
play every chord
if you're writing letters to the prisoners
start tearing down the bars
if you're handing our flashlights in the dark
start handing our stars
never go a second hushing the percussion of your heart
play loud
play like you know the clouds have left too many people cold and broken
and you're their last chance for sun
play like there's no time for hoping brighter days will come
play like the apocalypse is only 4...3...2
but you have a drum in your chest that could save us
you have a song like a breath that could raise us
like the sunrise into a dark sky that cries to be blue
play like you know we won't survive if you don't
but we will if you do
play like saturn is on his knees
proposing with all of his ten thousand rings
that we give every single breath
this is for saying-yes
this is for saying-yes
-Andrea Gibson
Thank you so much.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Friends You Know Will Never Leave
My life is full of incredible people who make me smile and love me unconditionally. I have been beyond blessed with the friendships in my life. There are a number of them who I know will always be there and I could not be more thankful.
Thanks, friends.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
It's November in Michigan, and my house is cold. Blankets are a lifesaver right now.
Not everyone is blessed enough to have a warm bed and blankets readily available... learn how to get blankets to children in need here:
Monday, November 1, 2010
A whole day devoted to dressing up crazy and watching scary movies. It doesn't get much better.
As I am scheduling my last semester of college I find myself amazed by the opportunities that lay ahead of me. I have some really big plans for the next few years and anything can happen.
Laundry Day
Just by doing my laundry, my room is a thousand times cleaner AND I have clothes to wear!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happiness is dependent on the events of the day, it is a short-term emotion, it fluctuates. But, joy comes from within, it is long-lasting, based on a deep appreciation for the things around you. Joy comes from the soul and it is truly beautiful to be surrounded by people who radiate it.
The Emergency Room
It's really good to know that no matter what time, day or night, if you in need of medical care there are people who sacrifice their time to help you. I've heard plenty of negative stories about waiting in the ER for hours to be seen, but this time was my first visit and we were rushed right in. No wait at all. Regardless, it's important that the ER exists for when there's really an emergency. Thankfully, ours was an easy fix.
Friday, October 29, 2010
The Internet
The internet at our house has been cutting in and out lately, and it's made me realize how incredible it is to have so much information available to me 24/7. When you really sit down and think about it, the amount of knowledge at hand is unfathomable. Since the invention of the internet communication has been altered immeasurably, and infinite possibilities have become accessible to billions of people.
Awesome! Thanks!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Really Good Reviews
Today was my first site visit by my professor at my internship. It went exceptionally well. All my feedback was positive beyond my expectations and I'm ready to take on the rest of the semester.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
This Song
"Gratitude" by Nichole Nordeman
I think it speaks for itself. Enjoy.
Thanks, Nichole.
Fall Break
Last weekend's break was much needed and far too short, but I'm grateful for every second of it. It brought about a lot of incredible adventures with so many friends, as well as cherished moments at home with my family and pets.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Homecoming weekend means everyone is back in town. I forget how much I miss the beautiful faces of these people until I see them again. It's good to have everyone back. These people mean so much.
Thank you, Homecoming, for bringing these people back to me.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Getting Back to Work
Breaks are always nice, but I like feeling productive. I'm jumping right back in and I'm feeling good.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Returning to My Bed
My bed is my haven. It's good to be back in it after a long weekend.
Thanks, bed. You're seriously awesome.
Helping Friends Reach Goals
I'm grateful that I got to be there when you finally did something you've wanted to do for years!
Getting Everything Done you Set Out to Do
More often than not I make my to-do list too long to actually accomplish. Not this time, though!
I'm so thankful that I got to see so many people this weekend.!
The Moment You Know the Person You're With is a True Friend
You've always known this person was your friend... and, you assumed they'd be there for you if you needed them. But then there's the moment when they come through for you and you know you were given a huge gift when this person was put into your life.
Thank you, amazing friends.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Indiana Autumns
With the dried corn fields awaiting harvest and the leaves changing colors, Indiana is always tinted gold during this time of year. I am blessed to be here now to experience it's beauty.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Learning People's Stories
I've always been fascinated by the stories people have to share about their lives. I feel blessed every time I get the chance to learn another person's story. Lately, I've been hearing many. Most of them are tales of hardship and pain, all of them are unfinished. I have hope that they will all have happy endings and the writers will find joy in their lives.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Chilean Miner Rescue
After 68 days trapped in the mine, the 33 trapped miners are being safely brought out, one by one. They are currently in the process of bringing them each out of the mine; the third one is on his way up as I'm typing this. is livestreaming the entire rescue and it is incredible to see the looks on the miners' their families' faces as they are reunited after over two months. What a blessing that all the miners are alive and seem to be doing well.
Thank you to all the rescue workers, engineers, and medical workers who have made this amazing rescue effort possible. And, thank you to the miners for staying strong and positive against all odds.
Welcome back to the suface.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Mysterious Ways
I firmly believe God always has a plan and it always works out perfectly. I also firmly believe that his methods are far from conventional. He's a God of surprises with a great sense of humor. It never ceases to amaze me.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
This Weekend's Weather
After a few extra chilly weeks, we got to pretend it was summer again with a few 75 degree sunny days! It's been beautiful and I've loved being outside in a t-shirt again.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Being Sick
When it's nothing serious, it makes the days when I'm well seem that much better.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Even if it's not always working properly, I get to see the faces of my beautiful friends from across the country and world. Awesome!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hip-Hop Dancing
Like tap, my body becomes the rhythm... but this time it's not contained to my feet!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Tap Dance
Tapping makes my feet feel alive. I turn into a human instrument!
I am thankful for this gift!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Today was World Communion Sunday, a time when churches around the world join at the communion table together. Being raised in a church in which communion is served at every gathering, I have found myself at that table often. I am always humbled by the idea that the communion meal is one that all people, worldwide, are invited to. I am awed by the sacrifice that the bread and cup symbolize. Because of that sacrifice our sins are being constantly forgiven, they do not stick with us even one second after they've been committed.
It's a mind-bending concept, incredible beyond measure and I am so thankful.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I spend a lot of my time doing it, especially with all the beautiful people and situations in my life.
I'm thankful that I can say I spend a lot of time with a smile on my face and giggling with my friends. I hope a lot of people can say the same.
This Song
The video speaks for itself.
Thanks, Luc and the Lovingtons and Jason Mraz for spreading the joy.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
This show is reigniting a love for the performing arts all over the world, while touching on real, important issues teenagers face today. From teen pregnancy, to homosexuality, to trouble with parents or with teachers; Glee covers it all.
This dialogue, especially, is one people need to hear.
(Sorry for the poor quality.)
My 40 minute commute is the best time I have to be alone, think, and rock out to the radio.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sundays are the perfect day to relax, do some homework, and catch up with the family.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Nights In
It's nice to sit around and get to know people on a deeper level, even on a Saturday night. No pressure to dress up, impress, or make small talk. Just friends and conversation.
Art Prize
Art Prize is an event in Grand Rapids, MI where thousands of pieces of art are in stalled around the city. A monetary prize is given to the piece that receives the most votes. It's an incredibly successful revitalization effort that brings new life downtown while emphasizing the importance of art in community.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Having my Laundry Done
It was getting pretty desperate but now I have all sorts of clean clothes to wear!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A few years ago someone came into my life and taught me that it wasn't safe to trust, and I haven't ever since. I tried to use the experience to develop myself. I've grown immensely as an individual since those days and I couldn't be happier with who I am today. The fear is always there, though... the fear of letting go and trusting someone. I was taught through that relationship not to expect anything from anyone but myself, especially not follow-through on promises or apologies.
It takes a lot to apologize to someone when you know what you did was truly hurtful, when you know what you did changed their life. But, just now, all this time later, an apology has come. I had thought I didn't need an apology anymore. I was more than convinced that I had moved on. But due apologies are due apologies. I didn't expect the relief I felt when I finally read the words I didn't know I still needed to read. I am finally able to sincerely forgive.
I am thankful more than you will ever know.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Venting Sessions
Sometimes you just have to let all your frustrations out.
Thanks for listening, friends.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friends that Come at Just the Right Time
I'm amazed by how those closest to you can know exactly when you need them most. It's like a distress signal goes out and they answer the call, every time. These friends are invaluable.
Thank you so much.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ridiculous Activities After a Long Week
Monday, September 13, 2010
Eye Opening Moments
Today I realized that even though I'm the youngest person at my internship, I relate the least to the young girls I'll be working with. Their lives are so different than my experiences have been and their language is practically foreign to me. I have so much to learn and I'm looking forward to learning it.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thanks for being such a badass, Zoob.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
They keep you grounded while making you try harder. Sometimes they help you decide when to give up.
Twists in the Plot
There are so many times when I think I have things figured out and I'm sure I know what's coming next, but that is rarely the case. My life is always throwing me curve balls... twists in the plot of my day, completely altering my course. While unexpected, and previously undesired, the twist happens for a reason. It's fate, maybe... or destiny. It's what's supposed to happen over what I plan for myself.
I am so thankful for these changes of pace.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sometimes your brain just needs a break from thinking so much and it forgets things. It may not seem like a positive, but your brain needs to rest too sometimes. Be grateful that it does... it's trying to take care of itself so it can keep working for you.
Just don't forget the important stuff.
Thanks, Brain.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Surprise Friends
Sometimes you find true friendship and support where you least expect it and when you need it the most.
Thank you so much.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Family Reunions
Every year of my life until college I spent my Labor Day weekend at my family reunion with all of my mom's cousins and their kids. Though by the end of the weekend we were more than ready to be home again, I know I am so blessed for a family that cares so much for each other. There's always a lot of laughter around that "Clark Cousin Campout" fire. We are so lucky.
Thank you, cousins, for all the memories.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sometimes the perfect advice and people come into your life when you need them the most.
It does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Thank you.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Photos From High School

So many memories of four very eventful years of my life. I had a lot of important accomplishments back then and a lot of silly, stupid fun with my friends and teammates. The pictures remind me of how happy and carefree we were then and how we could find a way to make the most of our surroundings.
Thanks to everyone I shared those years with.
I have to make a mistake myself in order to learn from it. I have to experience things first hand for the lesson to stick. This can lead me to situations I don't always want to be in. But, although I sometimes have to learn the hard way, I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained from my errors. I will not make the same mistakes again.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Internship
It's off to a slow start, but I'm so grateful for the opportunities I'm going to have there.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The First Day of School
Everything is new and the semester holds so much potential.
Here's to a great year!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Physical Therapy
If it wasn't for the many physical therapists that I've worked with over the years I would not still be dancing at the rate I do. They have helped untwist my spine and strengthen my knee and hip back to the level they should be at. The things I learned during those years of physical therapy have helped me immensely in keeping my body in its best form so it can work efficiently.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
They keep me grounded and make me feel important. I like knowing that I am mature enough and organized enough to keep an entire organization running smoothly. It's a lot to handle, but I'm glad I've been entrusted with it.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
It's one of my favorite past times to sit around and discuss the good times I've had with my friends in the past few years. I have been blessed immensely in my recent past with memories that make me smile and will last a lifetime.
Thanks, friends.
A Loving Family
Until I can compare to others I often take my family for granted and don't realize how good I have it. I am truly blessed to come from a home filled with love and support where I am encouraged to be strong and independent.
Thank you, family, for always being there.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Police Force
My neighborhood's not exactly the nicest place to live.
I'm so grateful that the police respond quickly and take care of things to keep my house and me as safe as possible.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dance has been a huge part of my life since I was 3-years-old. And, for the last 11+ years I have never truly taken a break from it. It has been my income, my field of study, my hobby, and my love for as long as I can remember. My first memory as a toddler was watching my sister's dance classes and asking my mom to sign me up for my own. After not dancing all summer I cannot express how glad I am to be back on the dance floor. My muscles are aching, my feet are blistered, but it feels so good.
I am so grateful for the way it makes me feel.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Everyone is moving in and it is wonderful to see them and hear their adventures for the summer!
Thanks everyone. Much love.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
New Beginnings
Time for another school year to start. Anything can happen. I have so much to look forward to.
Thank you!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Having My Whole Family Together
Seeing as all my sisters and I are college age + these days, it is rare for us to all be in the same place at the same time. We've officially all moved out and moved on, but when we can get together it's always a great time. There's so much love in our home.
I can never express enough gratitude for my parents and sisters being my best friends.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My Present
The past only exists in memory, the future only in imagination. The only truly existing moment is right now. I am always amazed by how my current life seems to be a constant improvement over my past life. It just keeps getting better. Every day is an improvement over the last, because each day's joys are now multiplied by the memories of yesterday's.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Not Knowing What to be Grateful for
Sometimes this blog is a struggle; I don't know what to write about. It's not that I've run out of thankfulness or lost my appreciation. And it's certainly not that my life has slowed down and given me fewer things to be concerned with. But at night, when I sit here racking my brain on what to celebrate next, I get to remember all the posts I've already published, all the crazy memories with my parents and sisters, all the good stuff. My life is so full of blessings and sometimes it takes a little writers' block to reflect on all of them and understand how incredibly grateful I am to live my life instead of any other. God is good.
So many blessings in my life. Thanks!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ellen Degeneres
There is nothing Ellen does that doesn't warm my heart or make me laugh. Her comedy brings me to tears as does her selflessness. Ellen has made huge strides for the LGBT community and continues to inspire me as I learn more about her bravery and strength. She is a beautiful person who knows how to laugh her way through the pain and how to make others laugh along the way.
I've been known to recite Here and Now in daily conversation, but when I really need to cheer up, this episode of "Ellen" (especially the scene starting at 5:20) always cracks me up!
Thanks for making my days brighter and for all you do for others, Ellen. I hope to meet you someday.
My House
The Boobytrap had it's grand opening tonight and it was one to remember.
Thanks to everyone who came.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Got Your Back Movement
My sister introduced me to this today.
Help support education worldwide.
So You Think You Can Dance
Not only is SYTYCD an entire show revolving around my biggest passion, it brings dance (and competitive dance at that) to the mainstream. Millions of people, dancers and non-dancers alike can enjoy and appreciate the beauty and incredible hard work that goes into dance. I've spent a lot of time defending dance as a true athletic skill, as an art and a sport. But as this, and the many other dance shows, grow in popularity, I've spent less time defending myself as a dancer and more time being praised for it. The hard work feels like it's paying off.
Thanks, SYTYCD, for bringing dance into the homes of millions of viewers with some of the most brilliant and talented dancers and choreographers there are.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friends Who Boost Your Confidence
There are beautiful people in my life. They are kind and loving, and having their approval and adoration makes me feel like a million bucks.
Thank you.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Some of my closest friends have become my closest friends because they aren't afraid to fight with me or let me know I've hurt them. I've learned a lot about myself through these relationships and the bad times make the good times so good. My relationships have grown because we haven't been afraid to say how we feel or to disagree about those feelings. I've learned how to treat people better, how to ask for forgiveness, and how to apologize. All of which are crucial life lessons.
Thank you.
People Moving Forward
Lately a lot of my friends have been taking really big steps with their lives. Some are moving away from home for the first time, or starting grad school or a new job, many are getting engaged or married. It's an amazing reminder of how quickly we are growing up and how it takes almost no time at all for life to change our plans and unfold before us.
My own life is moving at an alarming rate. Huge changes will be happening in the next year.
I'm so ready and I'm so grateful.
Thank you and congratulations to all my friends on their own new life developments!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sometimes I seriously lack the motivation to get things done. I am so grateful for the times I don't, when I can be productive.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Days Off
Despite not working, today was a very busy and beautiful day.
Thanks to all I shared it with.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Spontaneous Plans
At five minutes notice let's skip town and do something new.
Thanks to everyone who enjoyed that adventure.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Friends You Can Tell Everything
It's nice to not have to keep everything to yourself and know you won't be judged for the things you tell.
My friends are beautiful. Thank you.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I have always been a vivid dreamer. Many times the dreams are so realistic and lucid that I can't figure out which parts were from a dream and which things are memory. Each night is like an adventure that I could never take in my waking life, yet within the dream it feels so real. I find it incredible that I can fly an airplane, or visit a friend on the other side of the world, or share a special moment with anyone I want without ever leaving the comfort of my cozy bed.
Thanks, brain, for thinking this stuff up subconsciously. You never cease to amaze me.
Making a Decision
It took awhile but we finally made the decision we've been working on all summer. No more worrying about it or arguing.
Thanks Boobytrap.
Welcome home.
Out of Town Visitors
There have been lots of people coming to see me lately and it's been so nice to show them my life and to spend time together.
Thanks, friends.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Parent's Guidance
A lot of crazy stuff has happened in the last few weeks and so many times it has lead to me calling my parents with a million questions on what to do. Mom is always there with the emotional support and dad always knows what to do, whether it be car trouble or financial trouble, or anything in between.
Thanks mom and dad.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Friends That Come When You Call
I'm glad you literally got out of bed to come when I needed you.
Thank you.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
New Projects
Today we started painting the living room. It already looks like a fresh new house and we're not even done yet.
Thanks for a fresh start.
Monday, July 26, 2010
My Car
My car's name is Ginny. I didn't name her, but the name fits. She's maroon and she gets me around. She's been all over the midwest with me so I could teach dance and drive to and from school and to and from friends. She even lived in Florida for awhile and kept my big sister company. I personify her and think of her as my friend. Today she wasn't feeling well and I had to buy her a new battery and I realized how good it is to have Ginny. I cannot stay idle for long, I need to be on the move. Some days I jump on her hood and dance like a maniac in the middle of a cornfield or parking lot. Some days I let her stay parked where she is and show her love for the environment. And some days I take her on adventures and together we see the world.
Thanks Ginny. Glad you're feeling better.
Sleep Overs
I love catching up, staying up late, playing games... just like old times.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Respect of Your Friends
It's such a blessing to know that your friends respect you and your ability to make decisions. It's humbling to know that they look up to you and admire what you do.
Thank you friends, I have so much respect and admiration for you as well.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thinking Movies
Don't get me wrong, I love a good romantic comedy- true love, soul mates, happily ever after. But it's the same basic formula every time. What I really love are the movies that trick you, confuse you, force you to imagine possibilities you never have before. Movies that are original, completely new. I want movies that keep me up at night and give me something to discuss and debate with my friends. I'm grateful for the exercise to my brain and the rush of the experience.
Thanks for making me think and keeping me on the edge of my seat.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sometimes life throws you things you don't expect and suddenly you're making decisions you didn't think you would make. Spur of the moment stuff, bold stuff, life altering stuff.
Thanks for keeping me on my toes Universe. You're awesome.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Second Chances
They're better than first chances because now you get the chance and you've learned the lesson.
Thank you.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Being the Bigger Man
I'm grateful for the strength to stand tall when stuck in a bad situation. I'm grateful that I can rest easy knowing that I did the best I could and was kind when I didn't have to be.
Thanks for the challenge.
Instant Connections
They're rare and they're so exciting.
I will never forget that night.
Thank you!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Road Trips
Seeing the sites, visiting new places, music blaring, and being with people you love. You can't beat these memories. Road trips are awesome.
Knowing Your Friends Are Having An Awesome Time Wherever They Are
I'm really happy to say that I have friends all over the world. I'm even happier to say that they are loving their lives and living to the fullest.
Thanks, friends, for being joyful and bringing light to the world.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Free Money
The other day I found a bunch of money in the form of Christmas giftcards in the back of my closet. It's Christmas in July!
Thanks, universe, for bringing that back to me.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Mountains
The air is cleaner, the sites are breathtaking. Being on a mountain top is an indescribable experience and I will forever be in awe of that beauty.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The LOGOS Ministry
The LOGOS Ministry was a basis of my childhood and early adulthood. Even now it shapes how I relate to God and others. Right now, the annual LOGOS Conference in Estes Park, CO is kicking off. My heart is there on the mountain with the hundreds of teenagers and adults whose lives I know will be touched and changed this week. LOGOS is an incredible ministry based around relationship, respect, and treating each other as equals as God commanded.
Learn about it here:
Thanks LOGOS for teaching us to love as we should.
Thanks LOGOS Conference and Colorado for giving me the best weeks of my life and for renewing my faith in others.
Heaven will be like that mountain top experience.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Running Into Someone You Haven't Seen in Awhile
There's a reason they're crashing back into your life. Even if it's just so they can say hi and make you smile for a minute or two.
Thanks no longer long lost friends.
Friday, July 9, 2010
People Showing Gratitude in Bad Situations
No matter what's going on in life, it is impossible to be upset about it when you stop to think why you are grateful for that person/place/situation. I'm so encouraged and excited to see people practicing gratitude in big ways.
Thanks for being thankful.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Today my tire decided to deflate while driving down a busy road. The people at AAA were so kind, so helpful, and so quick. They called me every few minutes with updates on when the tow trucks would arrive and continually asked how else they could help. They made me smile in a bad situation and helped me get back on the road. They truly do their jobs with love.
Thanks so much AAA roadside assistance and Hansons Towing.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I believe in angels and I know that there are several watching over me both from above and here on earth living among us. I have been well protected in my darkest times and have been cared for by strangers in times of need when my head's not clear and everything seems to be going wrong. These strangers are angels and I will never forget them.
Thank you to everyone who has ever been an angel to someone else.
Thank you to those who have watched over me.
Thank you Karen.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
This Picture
It's good to know someone understands how I feel all the time.
Thanks to whoever painted this. You make me smile.
Work (6/4)
I have a really hard time sitting still. I'm not a fan of the days where I have nothing on the calendar. I feel blessed when I have a job, something to keep me busy, help me support myself, and make me feel productive. I feel best when I can see that my work is benefitting someone else and I'm grateful for so many opportunities to do so.
Thanks to my parents for teaching me to be a hard worker.
Moments You Realize Are Once In A Lifetime As They Are Happening (6/3)
It's one thing to have an incredible once in a lifetime moment, but it's quite another to realize it as it is happening so that you can truly soak in every second.
Thanks for all these amazing moments.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Zoo
Yesterday I got a chance to spend the day with my entire family at the zoo. As animal lovers the zoo is a place we love dearly. I admire the way the zoo teaches not only about the endless animal species from all over the world, but also teaches conservation, enforces proper animal care, and brings smiles to millions of faces.
Thanks zoos!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Fourth of July
As much as I may disagree with a lot that goes on in this country, as much as I don't consider myself to be patriotic, I think we're finally starting to move in a good direction... slowly. And I know that I am truly blessed to live in a country where I am free and resources are bountiful, because most people do not have those blessings.
Happy Independence Day.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
It wouldn't be fourth of July weekend without the traditions my family has created over the years. Traditions remind us that no matter how crazy, chaotic, and completely random the rest of the year may seem, some things will never fully change.
Happy birthday mom!
Happy Fourth of July everyone else.
Friday, July 2, 2010
This Song
"Thanks and Praise" by G. Love and Special Sauce.
Thanks G. Love and Special Sauce. You know how to make me smile.
Thanks G. Love and Special Sauce. You know how to make me smile.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A Good End to a Stressful Day
It's surprising how much a bucket of ice cream fix and improve your day.
Thanks Edy's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. :)
Thanks Edy's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bonding Time
It's amazing how quickly friendships can form. All it takes is one conversation that covers a thousand topics and last for hours while flying by. You can get wrapped up in it so quickly.
Thanks friend.
Thanks friend.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Clearing the Air
It's never too late to clear things up with someone who wronged you in the past. Heartfelt apologies and sincere acceptance of another, mistakes and all, are always good. Always.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Rest (6/2)
After a long, life-changing, and exhausting trip I am so grateful for a day of rest to refresh my tired legs and mind and process everything I've been through in the past three weeks.
Thanks for the chance to relax.
Thanks for the chance to relax.
It's much easier to make the best choice when you have more than one thing to choose from.
Moments Like This...

Today while walking on the beach with my sisters a butterfly landed by our feet. We leaned in closer expecting him to fly away, but instead he climbed onto Meredith's hand and let her carry him. She walked for some time with him riding on her shoulder, and though he had many opportunities and was capable, he didn't fly away. He stayed with us as we walked to expanse of the beach. Even when we took him to the edge of the sand where there were plenty of grass and plants, he refused to leave us. I'm sure there is something he wanted to teach us about timing, because though we had tried to set him free he wouldn't go until he was ready. After about fifteen minutes of journeying with us down the beach, we heard a flutter and he was gone, on his own time, with no warning.
It was an experience I know I'll never have again. This peaceful, beautiful creature blessing us with his gentle presence, walking with us as we traveled in awe, and leaving us only when we had had time to soak in everything he had to offer. He knew not to leave us too soon. He went willingly and of his own accord, not when we were trying to force him.
In the grand scheme of things, it was a short time with him, but it taught us so much.
Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. Butterfly. You are beautiful.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Surprise Sleep In Days
Nothing beats getting a call early in the morning saying you don't have to work until noon!
Thanks boss.
Thanks boss.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Funny Things Kids Say
They are so honest and remind me how to laugh at the innocent stuff.
Thanks kids.
Thanks kids.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Embarrassing Moments
Sometimes you need a reminder to laugh at yourself and how completely crazy, unpredictable, and funny your life really is.
Thanks, life, for being so weird sometimes.
Thanks, life, for being so weird sometimes.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friends Who Tell it How it Is
It's not always what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear. As much as I don't want to admit that my friends are right sometimes, I'm grateful that they're not afraid to tell me the truth no matter what. That's a sign of a true friendship.
Thanks friends.
Thanks friends.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Welcome Homes (6/1)
Even if you're not ready for the trip to be over it's nice to get off the airplane to a bunch of open arms and smiling faces.
Thanks family.
Thanks family.
Birthdays (5/31)
Birthdays are truly beautiful events. It's an entire day set aside to love a specific person and to celebrate the fact that they were born! It's a day to say to your friend "Hey, I'm really glad you're here on this earth at the same time I am!" How awesome is that?! Really awesome.
Thanks, birthday parties, for letting us celebrate life!
Thanks, birthday parties, for letting us celebrate life!
Father's Day
I love having an entire day set aside to celebrate fathers. I've mentioned before that I've been blessed with and exceptional one. My dad always does whatever it takes to make sure my life is running smoothly while also teaching me to be independent so I can take care of myself. It's an incredible balance and he handles it with ease.
Go celebrate your dad if you are blessed with a loving one. Don't take him for granted.
Thanks dads!
Go celebrate your dad if you are blessed with a loving one. Don't take him for granted.
Thanks dads!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jump Started Days
Within the first 20 minutes of being awoken abruptly and unexpectedly this morning my entire day was turned upside down. It happened so fast that there wasn't time to do anything but let it happen and take it as it came. I didn't even have time to become overwhelmed. Days like this force you to live completely in the present which is a practice I need a lot of help with as my mind tends to stay in the past most of the time. Thinking back over everything I've done today I'm amazed that I handled it all with grace and without stress or frustration. I didn't have time for those negative feelings and it made a day that could have turned out very badly quite fun and rewarding instead.
Thanks Crazy Day.
Thanks Crazy Day.
Phone Calls with my Sisters
They always always make me smile. I'm really blessed to be related to my best friends.
Thanks sisters!!
Thanks sisters!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Reading Just the Right Thing at Just the Right Time
The universe knows what advice you need and sends it just when you need it most and I am so grateful and excited to pass it on.
The Downhill After the Uphill (5/30)
You strain, you push, you struggle. The trip's certainly not easy, but after you come to the top of that crazy hill it's all smooth sailing to the bottom.
Thanks, Aran Islands, for kicking my butt and being so beautiful.
Thanks, Aran Islands, for kicking my butt and being so beautiful.
Graduations (5/29)
Celebrating accomplishments and starting the next chapter... and all of your family comes to town to celebrate it.
Thanks. Congrats class of 2010.
Thanks. Congrats class of 2010.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Really Good Cries
Just get it all out. You'll feel so much better when you're done.
Thanks, sweet and salty tears.
Thanks, sweet and salty tears.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Lazy Saturdays
They're better than lazy Sundays because you don't have to go to work the next day.
Thanks Saturday!
Thanks Saturday!
Hannah (5/28)
My little sister has been my role model, protector, pupil, teacher, and voice of reason since she was big enough to look me in the eyes and hold me in her arms. She has been with me for every step of this crazy life. Growing up we were always lumped together in our family as "the little girls" next to our older sister because we spent so much of our time together. She is an incredible extension of myself while being uniquely her. So many times she has been mistaken for my older sister and I know it is because she is significantly smarter and more grown up than her age let's on, but it is also because she is so often my guiding light and a natural leader.
I don't know where I would be in life without my other half, the sister that's been there for nearly every second that I can remember.
Thank you so much Hannah, for being so incredibly strong, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and loving. I would be lost without you.
Happy birthday!
I don't know where I would be in life without my other half, the sister that's been there for nearly every second that I can remember.
Thank you so much Hannah, for being so incredibly strong, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and loving. I would be lost without you.
Happy birthday!
Silence (5/27)
Silence is so rare, but it is in the silence that you learn who you are the best. It is only in silence that your thoughts cannot be lead by another's input. There is only you and your own unique and brilliant internal voice in the silence. It is a precious commodity.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Friday, June 11, 2010
New Houses
A fresh start that I am so ready to embark on. New house, new housemates, new year. Life is good.
Thanks "TBA/Backroom/??"
Thanks "TBA/Backroom/??"
Preparation Time
I like being prepared, having a chance to get ready for my day, especially when it's going to be a busy one. No scrambling around, everything's ready to go.
Thanks, organizational skills.
Thanks, organizational skills.
Everyone you love most laughing together in the same place, making crazy memories, creating beautiful stories for your life...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Anam Cara (5/26)
Anam Cara is the Celtic idea of a "soul friend" a friend that knows your inner most self and accepts you. It is the deepest form of friendship and a rare and precious thing. I have found it only a few times in my life and I am always amazed by it.
Thank you so much, soul friends.
Thank you so much, soul friends.
Time with my Sisters
It doesn't happen enough anymore. My sisters are my best friends and two of my favorite, most cherished people in this world. Today was spent entirely with them and it was so good.
Thanks Meredith and Hannah. I love you.
Thanks Meredith and Hannah. I love you.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Getting Caught Up
It feels so much better than falling behind.
And now there's time to relax.
And now there's time to relax.
This Group (5/24)
Breath (5/23)
It's easy to take something as natural as breathing for granted. But after hiking and climbing and struggling to catch it, breath becomes so apparently important. Breath is the rhythm, the, essence, the life force.
Thank you, lungs, for being such beautiful, perfect machines.
Thank you, lungs, for being such beautiful, perfect machines.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Productive Days
It's so nice to feel like something's been accomplished at the end of the day.
*Going out of order for awhile to catch up on the things I celebrated with gratitude while traveling. On entries that are not posted on their day of celebration, the date will be included in the title.
*Going out of order for awhile to catch up on the things I celebrated with gratitude while traveling. On entries that are not posted on their day of celebration, the date will be included in the title.
Getting Lost (5/22)
New accidental adventures on the way to new planned ones. Who knows where you'll end up.
Thanks, not-so-easy-to-read maps!
Thanks, not-so-easy-to-read maps!
Prayer (5/21)
This blog is a place where I give thanks to the things and people that I am grateful for, but each shout out of gratitude eventually makes it directly to the source. I disagree with a lot of things the organized "Christian church" sometimes teaches as absolute truth, but I do believe in prayer. I believe in saying thank you, in asking for forgiveness from and healing for others. I believe in having a relationship with the creator of all things good and bad in this world that make me so thankful to live in it.
Thank you Lord.
Thank you Lord.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Places that Make You Realize How Much you Have to be Thankful For (5/20)
Some days it is harder than others to find something new to celebrate and be grateful for. In this place there is no lack of beauty or hospitality and I find myself with so many things to be thankful for that my brain can't keep up. Every curve in the road brings another laugh, another view, another conversation, another friend.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
The Perfect Song for the Setting (5/19)
Nothing's better than turning your ipod on to lyrics and music that fit the scene perfectly.
Thanks, iPod.
Thanks, iPod.
The Involuntary Wow (5/18)

That's what I call the sound that escapes my lips when I see something that truly takes my breath away. It has been happening a lot lately. Around each corner is a view more beautiful than the one before it and all more beautiful than anything I've ever seen before.
Thank you, Ireland, for feeding my eyes with beauty like I've never seen before.
Solitude (5/17)
John O'Donohue says in his book "Anam Cara" "Only in solitude can you discover a sense of your own beauty."
Since childhood I have spent excessive amounts of time in solitude. When I was young I would hide away on the playground to read or write or just sit alone over playing with the other children, because there was something sacred about that time. Not much has changed and I often retreat to spend time in reflection. It is in this time that I was able to develop a sense of confidence and understanding of myself that has served me well in my life. It is only in solitude that you can truly learn about yourself, because it is only in solitude that your thoughts are solely yours with no outside influences. Time in solitude is your time away from the world; from the rush of schedules and assignments. Your beliefs, your identity, your understanding of the world lies entirely within the crevices of your own brain and it is in solitude and reflection that you can bring them to the surface of your life.
Thank you.
Since childhood I have spent excessive amounts of time in solitude. When I was young I would hide away on the playground to read or write or just sit alone over playing with the other children, because there was something sacred about that time. Not much has changed and I often retreat to spend time in reflection. It is in this time that I was able to develop a sense of confidence and understanding of myself that has served me well in my life. It is only in solitude that you can truly learn about yourself, because it is only in solitude that your thoughts are solely yours with no outside influences. Time in solitude is your time away from the world; from the rush of schedules and assignments. Your beliefs, your identity, your understanding of the world lies entirely within the crevices of your own brain and it is in solitude and reflection that you can bring them to the surface of your life.
Thank you.
Tears of Laughter (5/16)
Thank you, friends, for bringing so many uncontrollable joytears to my eyes. You are truly blessings in my life.
Experiencing History (5/15)
I've always been fascinated with history. There's something about walking on the grounds, touching the walls, breathing the air of historical sites that leaves me in awe of everything that place means for the course of human history.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Friendly Strangers (5/14)
The kind that give you good directions when you're lost or strike up a conversation with you about Michael Jackson's hometown. That person becomes one more human connection you have to the world, and sometimes they even become your friend.
Thanks strangers.
Thanks strangers.
Medicine (5/13)
Before leaving I had been sick for a few weeks with a nasty upper respiratory infection. But now I am feeling so much better.
Thanks Penicillin.
Thanks Penicillin.
Bodies (5/12)
As a dancer my body is my means of expression, of release. It is my instrument. Most importantly, though, my body is a temporary container and carrier of my soul. As John O'Donohue says in his book "Anam Cara" "Your body is your clay home; your body is the only home you have in this universe... your body is the home of your soul on earth."
It is through this flesh vessel that I can connect with my more external home, the earth. I often dance barefoot to physically feel the texture of the earth beneath my feet.
Thank you, body, for allowing me to jump, to embrace, to fight, to climb, to dance. Bodies are magnificent creations and "it is such a privilege to be embodied."
It is through this flesh vessel that I can connect with my more external home, the earth. I often dance barefoot to physically feel the texture of the earth beneath my feet.
Thank you, body, for allowing me to jump, to embrace, to fight, to climb, to dance. Bodies are magnificent creations and "it is such a privilege to be embodied."
Airplanes (5/11)
After spending the entire day between three different airplanes I find myself so grateful for the beautiful metal birds. The world is condensed, within reach. In a matter of hours I have hopped an ocean to begin an adventure in a new corner of the world.
Thanks airplanes for carrying me and Wright brothers for making such a great invention all those years ago.
Thanks airplanes for carrying me and Wright brothers for making such a great invention all those years ago.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tomorrow I'm leaving to embark on a three week journey throughout Ireland. I have never been and I am so grateful for the opportunity.
My blog may go on a bit of a hiatus during this time but I will continue to journal and I have no doubt that I will find countless things to be grateful for during my travels.
My blog may go on a bit of a hiatus during this time but I will continue to journal and I have no doubt that I will find countless things to be grateful for during my travels.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mothers' Day
I've already celebrated my giving, yet a bit unconventional, mother on this blog. Today, I celebrate all mothers. I celebrate an entire day set aside to acknowledge mothers. At our house Mothers' Day is synonymous with laughter- belly laughter, tears from laughter. Mothers' Day is the source of inside jokes and lots and lots and lots of crazy family-style love.
Happy Mothers' Day! Thank you so much to all the amazing mothers out there. The world could not keep turning without you.
Happy Mothers' Day! Thank you so much to all the amazing mothers out there. The world could not keep turning without you.
My house has always been filled to the brim with pets. It's part of the joy of being the daughter of a veterinarian. I cannot imagine going to sleep without my cats at my feet or the sound of barking in the background of my dreams. Away from home I miss the time I have with the extra cuddly members of my family.
Thanks Zoobie, Milo, Leo, Scout, Titan, Susie, Marlin, Layla, Baby, and Skipper for adding a whole new dimension of joy and love to my life.
Thanks Zoobie, Milo, Leo, Scout, Titan, Susie, Marlin, Layla, Baby, and Skipper for adding a whole new dimension of joy and love to my life.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Slowing Down
Today I spent the afternoon with my grandparents. They take things so sloooowly. As I started to get frustrated with their pace I reminded myself how grateful I am for time with them. Slowing down gives me a chance to appreciate every second of that precious time. I move through life at an incredible pace most days. It's refreshing to slow down and take stock of everything that's going on around me, the people I'm with, the lessons I'm learning.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hard Goodbyes
I know it seems silly to be grateful for goodbyes that are hard, but the tears in my eyes are a reminder that my life would not be the same without the person I'm bidding farewell to in it.
You all make it hard to leave. You are my home, but it's time to let you go, because you are going to do amazing things.
Thank you for all that you mean to my life.
You all make it hard to leave. You are my home, but it's time to let you go, because you are going to do amazing things.
Thank you for all that you mean to my life.
The Last Day of School
Freedom. Summertime. Love.
All the shenanigans that not having stress and deadlines leads to...
Thank you.
Bring it on, summer 2010.
Freedom. Summertime. Love.
All the shenanigans that not having stress and deadlines leads to...
Thank you.
Bring it on, summer 2010.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
That Teacher
You know the one. The teacher that taught lessons that will stick with you forever. The one whose impact went so much deeper than memorizing facts to repeat for exams; the one that taught lessons of value. Mine was Dr. Hudson. What I learned from her is still benefitting me today.
Thank you, Doc, for pushing me to be better all the time.
Thank you, Doc, for pushing me to be better all the time.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunny Drives
I've gotten really used to driving with my summer job and long distance drives to and from school after each break. No drive is better than the ones on perfect, sunny, warm days... windows down, music up.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Kappa Beta Phi
Joining Dorian has been the best decision I've made in college. These beautiful women are my family away from home. When I am weak and hurting or laughing too hard to breathe, they're there. If I'm smiling, they're the cause. My entire college world revolves around these people. I will never be able to express enough gratitude for all they have brought into my life.
Thank you so much Dorians. You are incredible.
Thank you so much Dorians. You are incredible.
Puddle Jumping
I've never seen the rain as something to run from; I want to soak up the cleansing gift from God straight through my toes. I want it to drench my hair and drip down my face, and, more than anything, I want to run run run and JUMP and splash the big puddles forming down the sidewalk and get everybody all wet.
Thanks for this joy.
Thanks for this joy.
Hope College
I knew from the moment I visited this place three years ago that I would make a home here. I had a few reservations about its reputation, of course, but I was willing to risk it. I could not have imagined at that time how my life would be impacted by my decision. Each day there are huge strides in the right direction that reverse any idea I had of Hope's reputation. As a campus we are growing and I am grateful to be a part of it.
I am having the time of my life here. I grow everyday through the relationships and experiences that Hope brings into my life. I can't even begin to recount the times I've cried tears of joy and laughter since I've been here. As my third year is ending I find myself reflecting on how fast it's gone and how far I am from being ready for it to end. I know my final year here is going to challenge me in some amazing ways.
Thank you so much Hope students. You have no idea what you mean to my life.
I am having the time of my life here. I grow everyday through the relationships and experiences that Hope brings into my life. I can't even begin to recount the times I've cried tears of joy and laughter since I've been here. As my third year is ending I find myself reflecting on how fast it's gone and how far I am from being ready for it to end. I know my final year here is going to challenge me in some amazing ways.
Thank you so much Hope students. You have no idea what you mean to my life.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
When Everything Falls Into Place at the Last Second
It all comes through in the end and it is perfect.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Realizing Nothing's Changed
There are some friendships that will remain valuable no matter how much time you spend apart from each other. I love the realization that despite all the time away we can pick up right where we left off.
Thanks for being you.
Thanks for being you.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Reuniting With Best Friends
It had been five months since I had seen my best friend as she traveled Europe and caused mischief all over the world. Today, she came back and I could not be more grateful. There are certain people in your life that you just need to be there with you and she is that person for me.
Welcome home.
Thanks for always being there, even when you're across the world.
Welcome home.
Thanks for always being there, even when you're across the world.
Productive Meetings
They're long, they're tedious, but they're totally necessary. Through the hours of discussion and voting something big and important gets done and I'm grateful for the results. I see big things in the future.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
When Concerts Turn into Giant Dance Parties
It's my two favorite things at the same time. Dancing and live music.
Thank you Brett Dennen. You never cease to amaze.
Thank you Brett Dennen. You never cease to amaze.
Changes in Plans
I have a tendency of trying to plan out my life. We all do. We like to believe that we have any amount of control over where things are headed. We don't. I need the constant reminder through spontaneity and unpredictable days that my plans mean nothing.
I am so grateful for the reminder to let go and let God and see where the universe takes me.
I am so grateful for the reminder to let go and let God and see where the universe takes me.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Innovative Ideas
I love things that challenge me to look at my life in a new way. Today we strapped glowsticks to our bodies and turned off the lights in ballet to study our alignment. Not only was it an interesting and helpful study, but it was also a lot of fun.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
That Crucial Bit of Information that Helps You Make A Decision
After months of debating, wondering, analyzing incessantly it's such a relief to finally learn the last bit of information that makes everything seem so clear. Even when the outcome isn't favorable, it's still nice to not have to worry about it anymore. A weight has been lifted and it feels so good.
Thanks for clearing things up.
Thanks for clearing things up.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Surprise Visitors
I'm so grateful to have friends who will just swing by when I least expect them and add a little spontaneous excitement and joy to my life. You guys are beautiful.
Thanks for this week.
Thanks for this week.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Slow down, that papers not that important anyway. More than anything you'll remember the times you had with your friends; the laughs, the craziness, the giant cuddle sessions. One paper won't make or break you. I'm counting on it.
Inside Jokes
Not just because they're funny, but because they bring people closer too.
There's so much laughter in this house.
Thanks Scraggles. ;)
There's so much laughter in this house.
Thanks Scraggles. ;)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Secret Missions
The plan was perfect and it was executed flawlessly with the help of some super sneaky friends. What a rush.
Thanks everyone, it wouldn't have happened without all of you.
Thanks everyone, it wouldn't have happened without all of you.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Good News that Follows the Bad News
The other day I got some really bad news. A close friend and her children were hit by a car. The youngest kid was flown to the hospital; she's two-years-old. Phone calls and emails went out to the community, as this family is deeply rooted in and well known and loved by the whole county. Love and prayers came pouring into their lives instantly.
Two days later everyone is scratched up and bruised both physically and mentally BUT everyone is home, everyone is well. The kids are playing and laughing and neither of them have any permanent damage beyond the scars on their hands and faces. Praise the Lord! What a blessing.
I'm so grateful everyone is ok.
I love you guys! Stay strong.
Two days later everyone is scratched up and bruised both physically and mentally BUT everyone is home, everyone is well. The kids are playing and laughing and neither of them have any permanent damage beyond the scars on their hands and faces. Praise the Lord! What a blessing.
I'm so grateful everyone is ok.
I love you guys! Stay strong.
Really Really Busy Days
I never know what to do with free time. I like to be on the move, be involved. I get bored easily and feel unproductive. Sometimes I have a hard time relaxing because I'm so used to being busy that I get anxious that there's something I should be doing. That's why I love the days where every minute is scheduled with a million different activities with a hundred different people. At the end of those days I feel accomplished. The day was worth it and I got stuff done.
Thanks life for keeping me on the move.
Thanks life for keeping me on the move.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
This Song
Today I walked outside into a warm, sunny, spring day, turned on my iPod and this song was playing...
It's a positively beautiful day.
Thanks India.
It's a positively beautiful day.
Thanks India.
Impromptu Trips to Anywhere
Forget doing homework, organizing for committees, preparing for meetings... we're going to steak and shake and we're going right now!
Thanks spontaneity, you're fun!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friends Checking in on Your Stressful Week
Things aren't going according to plan and you need someone to talk to... suddenly the phone rings and you get this message: "How are you doing? How can I help?" Perfect timing.
Thanks for being there.
Getting to Celebrate Friends' Accomplishments
I have friends all over the world doing great big beautiful things. It's such a blessing to get to celebrate the amazing things they're accomplishing with them. Let's face it, I have awesome friends.
Thanks and congrats!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wild Weekends
Getting away, dancing, eating, random wanderings, new cities, soooo many friends all in one place. These memories will last a life time.
Thanks formal weekend.
Seeing People You Haven't Seen in Awhile
Even if you just get to hug them and say hi it's nice to know they're still around.
Thanks old friends.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday was TOMS One Day Without Shoes. Being an avid TOMS fan and campus representative it's a cause I'm very passionate about. Last year I gladly and willingly shed my shoes and enjoyed every minute of the warm spring ground beneath my naked toes. This year was all about learning to be grateful for my shoes. My feet weren't happy as I dragged them across cold, wet, stony parking lots; they weren't happy when they sunk in the mud; they certainly weren't happy when it snowed. They were stressed and in pain and numb to the bone.
Some people live every day this way... barefoot on stone, in mud, and in snow or rain. Shoes are something I certainly don't lack which makes them easy to take for granted.
Thanks TOMS for being the change.
Sometimes a nap is all you need to jump start, restart, refresh, and brighten up your stressful day. Plus, they're awesome.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Finishing That Project You've Been Working On Forever
A million sources of research, weeks of typing and editing, thousands of words, hundreds of pages (or so it seems).
So much work.
But it's all done and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel accomplished. I can finally focus on the next task.
Thankful to be finished!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hometown Glory
We didn't win, but we put up a hell of a fight. It's amazing to see how everyone bands together when the home team makes it to the big game; everyone cheering, everyone a Bulldog. For once I'm proud to be a Hoosier.
Thanks Butler!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Christ is risen! It's hard not to rejoice and be grateful! Easter is a time to remember and celebrate the sacrifice of my savior and I am forever indebted to Him! Yay!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I love history. I love learning. I love playing. Museums offer all of those things.
Thanks museums!

I love concerts. I went to my first concert back in 1996. I was 7-years-old then and the headlining performer was none other than blues legend, B.B. King. After enjoying the live music of other greats like Kenny Wayne Shephard and Aaron Neville and the Neville Brothers, B.B. took the stage. I remember hearing him play a few notes then announcing "I'm B.B. King and this is my guitar, Lucille!" before I crashed and slept through the rest of his performance. Since then my attention span and ability to stay up late have improved and I've been to countless more concerts. Last night I saw Tegan and Sara for the second time and with each concert my love for live music is reignited. I can't get enough.
There are few things I love more than the feeling of the bass beating in my chest harder than my own heart. The lights dim, the crowd screams, the speakers boom, and music becomes your life force.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Exceeded Expectations
I was pretty confident things were going to go well, but they went perfectly and I left more confident than when I got there! Win.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Breeze Coming Through My Window Right Now
I thought someone was at the door, but it's just the wind blowin'.
Thank you for this warm day!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My Dad
My father is a beautiful, loving man. I consider myself deeply blessed as I constantly find more of his features within in myself. In fact, I have received almost all of my dominant traits from my father. From our calm, gentle spirits to our love of history, music, and literature, I'm my father's daughter through and through.
As a kid I always felt especially close to my dad as we are the only blonde haired, blue eyed members of our family and we would play games together: Blondes vs. Browns. It never mattered who won the games, what mattered was I got to be on dad's team all by myself while both of my brunette sisters had to share our mom.
Today is my dad's birthday. It's a day to celebrate his birth, his life, and his never failing love. Today I celebrate the look in his eye when my sisters and I make him proud and the sound of his laugh when my mom's around. We are a blessed family to spend so much of our time together in tears of joy, laughing and loving.
Thank you Dad for always leading by example, for loving deeply, and for laughing often.
Happy birthday!
Monday, March 29, 2010
New Music
Music is a powerful means of communication. For me, as a dancer, it is the epicenter of my life... it is the breath, heartbeat, and emotion that fills my day to day activities and is crucial to how I express myself. New music is refreshing and exciting, it shakes up my day and leaves me inspired and uplifted. I can't get enough.
Thanks new music for brightening this already bright, sunny Monday!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Lazy Sundays
Spent lying around with good music, great conversation with friends abroad, and lots of laughs.
Thank you for this day... it was beautiful.
P.S. happy birthday Aimee!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
This Guy
Thank you Jason Connell for finding a new, better, more loving way to fight hatred and to stand up for human rights.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Long Car Rides
It's a time to straighten out your thoughts, to talk to friends, pray, to sing at the top of your lungs, or to see the sites... and if you're a passenger and you sleep the whole way you can wake up in a new location and it's just like teleportation. Awesome!
My Mama
She may be totally crazy with her intriguing combination of paranoia and spontaneity, but she's also the most giving woman I've ever been privileged enough to know. From the wacky gifts she buys in bulk to give out to random people just to make them smile... to the time she bought a house, a whole house, for deserving families to live in, paying for only the utilities (if that), for as long as they need. My mother loves to give and for that, among a million other things, I love my mother.
Thanks Mama K.
Thanks Mama K.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My Cell Phone
After a few days with little to no cell phone reception I'm more aware than ever how grateful I am to be able to easily stay in touch with the people I love the most. The constant flow of love sent and received via text message and phone call is a reminder of how many awesome people are in my life.
Thanks phone.
Thanks phone.
Clean Water
It's so easily taken for granted.
Read about it here...
Happy belated World Water Day!
Read about it here...
Happy belated World Water Day!
Getting Deeper
Recently I had the chance to get to know some friends on a much deeper level than I knew them on before. It's amazing the stories that come with everyone you meet. Even the most light-hearted of people have experienced powerful things that have shaped and changed them. When I hear these stories my respect and awe for the teller deepens immensely and I find myself even more grateful to have them in my life.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Belly Laughs
When People Surprise You
It's always nice when the person you've least expected to pulls through for you. You're going about your day and you have a need... maybe you send out a cry for help, maybe you don't and they just know. Either way, the result is awesome and you might just have a new friend.
As amazing as life is, sometimes it's nice to get away for awhile, see new things, get to know people better, disconnect, and let loose.
Thanks Spring Break.
Thanks Spring Break.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Today I'm feeling good and I hope you are too (and if not, get well soon!)
If you're a generally healthy person, rejoice in that even on days when you're a little under the weather. You are blessed. Don't forget it.
Thanks immune system!
If you're a generally healthy person, rejoice in that even on days when you're a little under the weather. You are blessed. Don't forget it.
Thanks immune system!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Time to Heal
Sometimes people from your past try to fight their way into your present. They used to affect you negatively... but now you've grown, you've learned, your life is good.
And suddenly there's that moment when you realize they can't break you down anymore! You're over it!
Thanks time, you're a great healer.
And suddenly there's that moment when you realize they can't break you down anymore! You're over it!
Thanks time, you're a great healer.
Daylight Savings Time
Growing up in central Indiana I didn't have to deal with Daylight Savings Time until just a few years ago. It's definitely taken some getting used to and I'm not going to lie and say that I've liked it. But, whenever I find myself cursing something or using the non-productive, negative phrase "I hate (fill in the blank)" I stop myself and rethink it... "what about this thing can I be grateful for?" There is always something.
The other night as I was walking through campus around 8pm I looked around and noticed that the earth was still glowing with the golden remnants of sunlight at the end of the day. A week ago, at that same hour, I would have been shaded in darkness, the sun long gone.
There's an extra hour of sunlight! No more sketchy 8pm walks in the dark for the next few months!! Thanks DST!
The other night as I was walking through campus around 8pm I looked around and noticed that the earth was still glowing with the golden remnants of sunlight at the end of the day. A week ago, at that same hour, I would have been shaded in darkness, the sun long gone.
There's an extra hour of sunlight! No more sketchy 8pm walks in the dark for the next few months!! Thanks DST!
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