Sunday, December 26, 2010


I'm not sure I can successfully summarize all of the things about Christmas that I am grateful for.

Of course, the time with family and close friends is a blessing, especially in a house where we spend so much time laughing.

The presents, both wanted and needed, do not go unnoticed and I give thanks for all of them.

But the true meaning of Christmas always leaves me in awe, without words to fully express my gratitude. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a man, who was also a God, and who I consider to be my savior. I don't spend much time discussing my religion or spiritual beliefs. I attend a Christian school where Christianity is assumed of all students and rarely questioned. When I do feel compelled to be open about the subject, it is in defense of my liberal views and how they fit into Christianity (which, I might add, they do with ease.) But here is a fact, I believe in Jesus, the One True Son of God, who came to this earth so that I may live without the guilt of my sins. And I owe my whole life, all the gratitude in my heart, to that.

Thank you and Merry Christmas.

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