Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yesterday Hope College finally reached its tipping point. Several hate crimes and acts of discrimination have been happening on campus, especially in the last year and a half, and they have been brushed under the rug... until now. This newest act of hatred affects more students and has been made more public than those before and now people are talking. Talking is good, educating is good, but it's time for us to do something. This anger and frustration, and even the fear need to be channeled toward positive and lasting change on this campus. While I don't approve of what happened in any way, I am grateful for the conversations it has started. This is the catalyst we've been needing, let's use it to create a home at Hope that is safe and accepting of ALL people.

Thank you so much.

Public Mess Ups

If you can survive embarrassing yourself in front of a crowd of hundreds, you can do a lot of things. And, there's a big burst of confidence that comes with pulling off our performance even after a way less than perfect start.

Thanks. Good work, team.

Impromptu Dinner Dates

Surprise! Today just got way more awesome.


Regular Days

With weeks this busy, it's nice to have a not-quite-as-hectic regular day to start things off.


Sunday, January 23, 2011


It's all starting... the incredibly involved, though enjoyable, experience of determining who will make up the new class of Kappa Beta Phi. I'm thankful for the break in the regular schedule of my weeks, the opportunity to meet new people that will soon be my sisters and will bless my life, and all the crazy fun activities that come along with the process.


My Supporters

I truly appreciate looking out into the audience while I'm performing and seeing a sea of friends cheering me on.

Thank you thank you thank you.

This Picture

This day was so good.

Hope College and the Dorian sorority has brought so much into my life through these women. In less than six months we will be reunited to send Kirsten off as a married woman. I am honored to be able to stand at the wedding with all of these women by my side.

Thank you.


I don't have any brothers by birth, but I have been blessed with many men in my life who I can count on to protect me, stick up for me, or tease me.



This website has brought me to more useful, interesting, and funny articles, pictures, and videos than I ever expected. I am grateful to have stumbled upon it.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Short Homework Assignments

You're productive and it doesn't take all day.

Thanks, profs.

Coffee Dates

They're the perfect way to get to know someone better or to catch up with an old friend.


The Gathering

I'm always amazed by the number of students who come to worship together, by choice, each Sunday night. It is powerful that so many 18-22-year-olds find importance in spending their Sunday nights together in communion and praise.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

People Who Shovel Their Sidewalks

You are the absolute best!


Greek Life

After our Greek Retreat tonight, it is clear that the general consensus is that Greek is good. Despite the oftentimes negative stereotypes that sororities and fraternities face, those in the organizations can agree that a lot of positive comes out of the Greek community. I know my college career would not have been the joy that it has been without KBPhi. In fact, I highly doubt I would have remained at this institution for four years if I didn't have the Dorian Sorority as a strong source of support.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Sore Muscles

I know I worked hard and my body is going to change and benefit from this process.

Thanks, muscles. It'll get easier... promise.

Leadership Opportunities

It's good to know that I am trusted, seen as competent, and pull some weight in the workplace. I am grateful for the chance to use my skills to guide others.


The Last First Day of School

Today I started my last first day of undergrad. Within a few months I will have a college degree. It can be overwhelming somedays, but I cannot express how grateful I am for this education. A very small percentage of people, especially women, worldwide, are granted with the educational opportunities I have had and will continue to have.

Thank you.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I firmly believe that I was born with an innate desire to dance. While creating choreography can often be a tedious task for me, I am thankful for the chance to create and for the courage to put my work out for an audience, with all their varied opinions and critiques, to see.


Sunday, January 9, 2011


Living in Michigan in the winter, right off of the lake, is cold. Today our heater broke and we sat in our house in winter coats. I am so thankful to say that it is up working again, thanks to a late night visit from the landlord with some tools and some skills. It is truly a rare blessing to live in a home that is heated while snow falls outside. We so often forget that there are many who do not have such a luxury. I pray that those without homes can find a heated place to sleep tonight and throughout the rest of the frigid winter months.

Thank you.

Deciding Factors

Decision making is hard for someone as indecisive as myself. It's a blessing when something comes up that is cut and dry and points you in the right direction.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Getting Organized

I'm one step closer to being ready to take on the semester.


Feeling Needed

I am grateful for the times when I know that I am needed, that I have something to offer. I am grateful to know that out of all of the people around, I was asked to help. It is such a good feeling to be able to give, to share, to assist.



"Aha moments," when things suddenly start to make sense, are rare, but wonderful and should not be brushed aside.


Prayer Partners

At my home church we are partnered as children with adults in the church for whom we are to pray. I have been blessed with some wonderful women as my prayer partners and role models over the years. I continue to keep all of them in my thoughts and prayers even years later and I know that I will always have them praying for me and lifting me up when I need them. It's wonderful to know that I have a silent support system at all times.

Thanks so much.


Such a powerful show with truly talented performers.


Sunday, January 2, 2011


I am always grateful to be asked to share my talent. It is especially powerful to be able to share it with many people I care so deeply about and to use it to glorify God.

Thank you.

New Year's Day

Has anyone ever been disappointed with a chance for a fresh start?
I'm not. I am ever grateful for the new beginning of the new year.

Thanks for the good times, 2010. Let's make 2o11 the best year yet.

New Year's Eve

A time to reflect on the year that's ending, catch up with friends, and get ready to greet the new year as it comes.


Day Trips

Today we went to Lexington to spend some time with family. It was the perfect mini-vacation.
