Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Parent's Guidance

A lot of crazy stuff has happened in the last few weeks and so many times it has lead to me calling my parents with a million questions on what to do. Mom is always there with the emotional support and dad always knows what to do, whether it be car trouble or financial trouble, or anything in between.

Thanks mom and dad.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Friends That Come When You Call

I'm glad you literally got out of bed to come when I needed you.

Thank you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Projects

Today we started painting the living room. It already looks like a fresh new house and we're not even done yet.

Thanks for a fresh start.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Car

My car's name is Ginny. I didn't name her, but the name fits. She's maroon and she gets me around. She's been all over the midwest with me so I could teach dance and drive to and from school and to and from friends. She even lived in Florida for awhile and kept my big sister company. I personify her and think of her as my friend. Today she wasn't feeling well and I had to buy her a new battery and I realized how good it is to have Ginny. I cannot stay idle for long, I need to be on the move. Some days I jump on her hood and dance like a maniac in the middle of a cornfield or parking lot. Some days I let her stay parked where she is and show her love for the environment. And some days I take her on adventures and together we see the world.

Thanks Ginny. Glad you're feeling better.

Sleep Overs

I love catching up, staying up late, playing games... just like old times.

Thanks Nic, Annalise, and Michele for staying with me this week.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Respect of Your Friends

It's such a blessing to know that your friends respect you and your ability to make decisions. It's humbling to know that they look up to you and admire what you do.

Thank you friends, I have so much respect and admiration for you as well.

Friday, July 23, 2010


The week's finally over! Bring on the weekend!

Thinking Movies

Don't get me wrong, I love a good romantic comedy- true love, soul mates, happily ever after. But it's the same basic formula every time. What I really love are the movies that trick you, confuse you, force you to imagine possibilities you never have before. Movies that are original, completely new. I want movies that keep me up at night and give me something to discuss and debate with my friends. I'm grateful for the exercise to my brain and the rush of the experience.

Thanks for making me think and keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Sometimes life throws you things you don't expect and suddenly you're making decisions you didn't think you would make. Spur of the moment stuff, bold stuff, life altering stuff.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes Universe. You're awesome.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Standing Up For Myself

I feel powerful, I feel proud. It needed to happen.

Thanks for the strength.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Second Chances

They're better than first chances because now you get the chance and you've learned the lesson.

Thank you.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Being the Bigger Man

I'm grateful for the strength to stand tall when stuck in a bad situation. I'm grateful that I can rest easy knowing that I did the best I could and was kind when I didn't have to be.

Thanks for the challenge.

Instant Connections

They're rare and they're so exciting.

I will never forget that night.

Thank you!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Road Trips

Seeing the sites, visiting new places, music blaring, and being with people you love. You can't beat these memories. Road trips are awesome.


Knowing Your Friends Are Having An Awesome Time Wherever They Are

I'm really happy to say that I have friends all over the world. I'm even happier to say that they are loving their lives and living to the fullest.

Thanks, friends, for being joyful and bringing light to the world.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Let no two nights be boring or the same.

My life is beautiful and I am thankful.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Free Money

The other day I found a bunch of money in the form of Christmas giftcards in the back of my closet. It's Christmas in July!

Thanks, universe, for bringing that back to me.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Mountains

The air is cleaner, the sites are breathtaking. Being on a mountain top is an indescribable experience and I will forever be in awe of that beauty.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The LOGOS Ministry

The LOGOS Ministry was a basis of my childhood and early adulthood. Even now it shapes how I relate to God and others. Right now, the annual LOGOS Conference in Estes Park, CO is kicking off. My heart is there on the mountain with the hundreds of teenagers and adults whose lives I know will be touched and changed this week. LOGOS is an incredible ministry based around relationship, respect, and treating each other as equals as God commanded.

Learn about it here:

Thanks LOGOS for teaching us to love as we should.
Thanks LOGOS Conference and Colorado for giving me the best weeks of my life and for renewing my faith in others.
Heaven will be like that mountain top experience.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Running Into Someone You Haven't Seen in Awhile

There's a reason they're crashing back into your life. Even if it's just so they can say hi and make you smile for a minute or two.

Thanks no longer long lost friends.

Friday, July 9, 2010

People Showing Gratitude in Bad Situations

No matter what's going on in life, it is impossible to be upset about it when you stop to think why you are grateful for that person/place/situation. I'm so encouraged and excited to see people practicing gratitude in big ways.

Thanks for being thankful.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today my tire decided to deflate while driving down a busy road. The people at AAA were so kind, so helpful, and so quick. They called me every few minutes with updates on when the tow trucks would arrive and continually asked how else they could help. They made me smile in a bad situation and helped me get back on the road. They truly do their jobs with love.

Thanks so much AAA roadside assistance and Hansons Towing.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I believe in angels and I know that there are several watching over me both from above and here on earth living among us. I have been well protected in my darkest times and have been cared for by strangers in times of need when my head's not clear and everything seems to be going wrong. These strangers are angels and I will never forget them.

Thank you to everyone who has ever been an angel to someone else.
Thank you to those who have watched over me.
Thank you Karen.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This Picture

It's good to know someone understands how I feel all the time.

Thanks to whoever painted this. You make me smile.

Work (6/4)

I have a really hard time sitting still. I'm not a fan of the days where I have nothing on the calendar. I feel blessed when I have a job, something to keep me busy, help me support myself, and make me feel productive. I feel best when I can see that my work is benefitting someone else and I'm grateful for so many opportunities to do so.

Thanks to my parents for teaching me to be a hard worker.

Moments You Realize Are Once In A Lifetime As They Are Happening (6/3)

It's one thing to have an incredible once in a lifetime moment, but it's quite another to realize it as it is happening so that you can truly soak in every second.

Thanks for all these amazing moments.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Zoo

Yesterday I got a chance to spend the day with my entire family at the zoo. As animal lovers the zoo is a place we love dearly. I admire the way the zoo teaches not only about the endless animal species from all over the world, but also teaches conservation, enforces proper animal care, and brings smiles to millions of faces.

Thanks zoos!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Fourth of July

As much as I may disagree with a lot that goes on in this country, as much as I don't consider myself to be patriotic, I think we're finally starting to move in a good direction... slowly. And I know that I am truly blessed to live in a country where I am free and resources are bountiful, because most people do not have those blessings.

Happy Independence Day.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


It wouldn't be fourth of July weekend without the traditions my family has created over the years. Traditions remind us that no matter how crazy, chaotic, and completely random the rest of the year may seem, some things will never fully change.

Happy birthday mom!
Happy Fourth of July everyone else.

Friday, July 2, 2010

This Song

"Thanks and Praise" by G. Love and Special Sauce.

Thanks G. Love and Special Sauce. You know how to make me smile.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Good End to a Stressful Day

It's surprising how much a bucket of ice cream fix and improve your day.

Thanks Edy's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. :)