Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mission Gratitude

I have to admit, I've been putting off ending this blog. The one year mark passed days ago, but this blog has become a part of me over the last 365 days. Now, there are 365 entries here, each saying thank you for something or someone that has impacted my life in the past year. This project has been a powerful constant during the most eventful and life changing year for me so far. I cannot even begin to reflect on everything that has happened since March 1, 2010 that will forever make me a stronger, more passionate person.

Since I have redirected my thoughts to be gratitude-driven, I have not had a single day where pain, anger, or sadness has taken precedence over wholeness, love, and joy. Things this year have by no means been easy and there have been more tears and hurt than any other time in my life. But the blessings outnumber these sorrows tenfold and I go to bed each night with thanksgiving on my heart. Even in the hard times, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and for the way I have grown from them. I will never be the same, and for that the words "thank you" will never be enough.

In gratitude.


I just realized that I have celebrated with gratitude "rest" twice in the past year with this blog. This realization is an invitation to myself to find more times of rest, especially these days when my hours are full. I am remembering that repeated thank yous are just as important as finding new things to be thankful for.

Those Who Make Sacrifices for Me

I do not like others to do things for me. I rarely ask for help and would rather be doing for others than having others do for me. But, in recent days, I have found myself overbooked and unable to get everything done without the help of others rearranging their schedules to incorporate mine into their lives. I cannot believe how blessed I am for what these people are doing. The sacrifices may seems small to them, but they are immensely helpful and are making big differences.

Thank you.


It's hard to believe, but so many things are coming to an end.
I'm grateful for what they've meant to my life. And, I'm grateful for what I will continue to learn from these experiences as I reflect on them in the future.

Thank you.

Andrea Gibson

For her words, for her message, for working with me so graciously, for so many things.

Thank you for all your beauty, Andrea.


I have seen myself growing in the past year at a phenomenal rate. I am excited to see where the next year will be taking me and what lies ahead.



I have known my deepest passion since I was 2-years-old begging my mom to sign me up for dance classes. I haven't stopped dancing since, but I have discovered many additional passions along the way. My life is guided and fulfilled by them.

Tonight, hearing our new Dorian girls talk about their deepest passions, I was filled with pride. I am already so impressed by these women and I'm looking forward to how their passions will guide them in their life in the sorority. I am proud to call them ours.

Thank you.