It's amazing how quickly friendships can form. All it takes is one conversation that covers a thousand topics and last for hours while flying by. You can get wrapped up in it so quickly.
Thanks friend.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Clearing the Air
It's never too late to clear things up with someone who wronged you in the past. Heartfelt apologies and sincere acceptance of another, mistakes and all, are always good. Always.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Rest (6/2)
After a long, life-changing, and exhausting trip I am so grateful for a day of rest to refresh my tired legs and mind and process everything I've been through in the past three weeks.
Thanks for the chance to relax.
Thanks for the chance to relax.
It's much easier to make the best choice when you have more than one thing to choose from.
Moments Like This...

Today while walking on the beach with my sisters a butterfly landed by our feet. We leaned in closer expecting him to fly away, but instead he climbed onto Meredith's hand and let her carry him. She walked for some time with him riding on her shoulder, and though he had many opportunities and was capable, he didn't fly away. He stayed with us as we walked to expanse of the beach. Even when we took him to the edge of the sand where there were plenty of grass and plants, he refused to leave us. I'm sure there is something he wanted to teach us about timing, because though we had tried to set him free he wouldn't go until he was ready. After about fifteen minutes of journeying with us down the beach, we heard a flutter and he was gone, on his own time, with no warning.
It was an experience I know I'll never have again. This peaceful, beautiful creature blessing us with his gentle presence, walking with us as we traveled in awe, and leaving us only when we had had time to soak in everything he had to offer. He knew not to leave us too soon. He went willingly and of his own accord, not when we were trying to force him.
In the grand scheme of things, it was a short time with him, but it taught us so much.
Thanks for the inspiration, Mr. Butterfly. You are beautiful.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Surprise Sleep In Days
Nothing beats getting a call early in the morning saying you don't have to work until noon!
Thanks boss.
Thanks boss.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Funny Things Kids Say
They are so honest and remind me how to laugh at the innocent stuff.
Thanks kids.
Thanks kids.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Embarrassing Moments
Sometimes you need a reminder to laugh at yourself and how completely crazy, unpredictable, and funny your life really is.
Thanks, life, for being so weird sometimes.
Thanks, life, for being so weird sometimes.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friends Who Tell it How it Is
It's not always what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear. As much as I don't want to admit that my friends are right sometimes, I'm grateful that they're not afraid to tell me the truth no matter what. That's a sign of a true friendship.
Thanks friends.
Thanks friends.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Welcome Homes (6/1)
Even if you're not ready for the trip to be over it's nice to get off the airplane to a bunch of open arms and smiling faces.
Thanks family.
Thanks family.
Birthdays (5/31)
Birthdays are truly beautiful events. It's an entire day set aside to love a specific person and to celebrate the fact that they were born! It's a day to say to your friend "Hey, I'm really glad you're here on this earth at the same time I am!" How awesome is that?! Really awesome.
Thanks, birthday parties, for letting us celebrate life!
Thanks, birthday parties, for letting us celebrate life!
Father's Day
I love having an entire day set aside to celebrate fathers. I've mentioned before that I've been blessed with and exceptional one. My dad always does whatever it takes to make sure my life is running smoothly while also teaching me to be independent so I can take care of myself. It's an incredible balance and he handles it with ease.
Go celebrate your dad if you are blessed with a loving one. Don't take him for granted.
Thanks dads!
Go celebrate your dad if you are blessed with a loving one. Don't take him for granted.
Thanks dads!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jump Started Days
Within the first 20 minutes of being awoken abruptly and unexpectedly this morning my entire day was turned upside down. It happened so fast that there wasn't time to do anything but let it happen and take it as it came. I didn't even have time to become overwhelmed. Days like this force you to live completely in the present which is a practice I need a lot of help with as my mind tends to stay in the past most of the time. Thinking back over everything I've done today I'm amazed that I handled it all with grace and without stress or frustration. I didn't have time for those negative feelings and it made a day that could have turned out very badly quite fun and rewarding instead.
Thanks Crazy Day.
Thanks Crazy Day.
Phone Calls with my Sisters
They always always make me smile. I'm really blessed to be related to my best friends.
Thanks sisters!!
Thanks sisters!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Reading Just the Right Thing at Just the Right Time
The universe knows what advice you need and sends it just when you need it most and I am so grateful and excited to pass it on.
The Downhill After the Uphill (5/30)
You strain, you push, you struggle. The trip's certainly not easy, but after you come to the top of that crazy hill it's all smooth sailing to the bottom.
Thanks, Aran Islands, for kicking my butt and being so beautiful.
Thanks, Aran Islands, for kicking my butt and being so beautiful.
Graduations (5/29)
Celebrating accomplishments and starting the next chapter... and all of your family comes to town to celebrate it.
Thanks. Congrats class of 2010.
Thanks. Congrats class of 2010.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Really Good Cries
Just get it all out. You'll feel so much better when you're done.
Thanks, sweet and salty tears.
Thanks, sweet and salty tears.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Lazy Saturdays
They're better than lazy Sundays because you don't have to go to work the next day.
Thanks Saturday!
Thanks Saturday!
Hannah (5/28)
My little sister has been my role model, protector, pupil, teacher, and voice of reason since she was big enough to look me in the eyes and hold me in her arms. She has been with me for every step of this crazy life. Growing up we were always lumped together in our family as "the little girls" next to our older sister because we spent so much of our time together. She is an incredible extension of myself while being uniquely her. So many times she has been mistaken for my older sister and I know it is because she is significantly smarter and more grown up than her age let's on, but it is also because she is so often my guiding light and a natural leader.
I don't know where I would be in life without my other half, the sister that's been there for nearly every second that I can remember.
Thank you so much Hannah, for being so incredibly strong, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and loving. I would be lost without you.
Happy birthday!
I don't know where I would be in life without my other half, the sister that's been there for nearly every second that I can remember.
Thank you so much Hannah, for being so incredibly strong, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and loving. I would be lost without you.
Happy birthday!
Silence (5/27)
Silence is so rare, but it is in the silence that you learn who you are the best. It is only in silence that your thoughts cannot be lead by another's input. There is only you and your own unique and brilliant internal voice in the silence. It is a precious commodity.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Friday, June 11, 2010
New Houses
A fresh start that I am so ready to embark on. New house, new housemates, new year. Life is good.
Thanks "TBA/Backroom/??"
Thanks "TBA/Backroom/??"
Preparation Time
I like being prepared, having a chance to get ready for my day, especially when it's going to be a busy one. No scrambling around, everything's ready to go.
Thanks, organizational skills.
Thanks, organizational skills.
Everyone you love most laughing together in the same place, making crazy memories, creating beautiful stories for your life...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Anam Cara (5/26)
Anam Cara is the Celtic idea of a "soul friend" a friend that knows your inner most self and accepts you. It is the deepest form of friendship and a rare and precious thing. I have found it only a few times in my life and I am always amazed by it.
Thank you so much, soul friends.
Thank you so much, soul friends.
Time with my Sisters
It doesn't happen enough anymore. My sisters are my best friends and two of my favorite, most cherished people in this world. Today was spent entirely with them and it was so good.
Thanks Meredith and Hannah. I love you.
Thanks Meredith and Hannah. I love you.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Getting Caught Up
It feels so much better than falling behind.
And now there's time to relax.
And now there's time to relax.
This Group (5/24)
Breath (5/23)
It's easy to take something as natural as breathing for granted. But after hiking and climbing and struggling to catch it, breath becomes so apparently important. Breath is the rhythm, the, essence, the life force.
Thank you, lungs, for being such beautiful, perfect machines.
Thank you, lungs, for being such beautiful, perfect machines.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Productive Days
It's so nice to feel like something's been accomplished at the end of the day.
*Going out of order for awhile to catch up on the things I celebrated with gratitude while traveling. On entries that are not posted on their day of celebration, the date will be included in the title.
*Going out of order for awhile to catch up on the things I celebrated with gratitude while traveling. On entries that are not posted on their day of celebration, the date will be included in the title.
Getting Lost (5/22)
New accidental adventures on the way to new planned ones. Who knows where you'll end up.
Thanks, not-so-easy-to-read maps!
Thanks, not-so-easy-to-read maps!
Prayer (5/21)
This blog is a place where I give thanks to the things and people that I am grateful for, but each shout out of gratitude eventually makes it directly to the source. I disagree with a lot of things the organized "Christian church" sometimes teaches as absolute truth, but I do believe in prayer. I believe in saying thank you, in asking for forgiveness from and healing for others. I believe in having a relationship with the creator of all things good and bad in this world that make me so thankful to live in it.
Thank you Lord.
Thank you Lord.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Places that Make You Realize How Much you Have to be Thankful For (5/20)
Some days it is harder than others to find something new to celebrate and be grateful for. In this place there is no lack of beauty or hospitality and I find myself with so many things to be thankful for that my brain can't keep up. Every curve in the road brings another laugh, another view, another conversation, another friend.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
The Perfect Song for the Setting (5/19)
Nothing's better than turning your ipod on to lyrics and music that fit the scene perfectly.
Thanks, iPod.
Thanks, iPod.
The Involuntary Wow (5/18)

That's what I call the sound that escapes my lips when I see something that truly takes my breath away. It has been happening a lot lately. Around each corner is a view more beautiful than the one before it and all more beautiful than anything I've ever seen before.
Thank you, Ireland, for feeding my eyes with beauty like I've never seen before.
Solitude (5/17)
John O'Donohue says in his book "Anam Cara" "Only in solitude can you discover a sense of your own beauty."
Since childhood I have spent excessive amounts of time in solitude. When I was young I would hide away on the playground to read or write or just sit alone over playing with the other children, because there was something sacred about that time. Not much has changed and I often retreat to spend time in reflection. It is in this time that I was able to develop a sense of confidence and understanding of myself that has served me well in my life. It is only in solitude that you can truly learn about yourself, because it is only in solitude that your thoughts are solely yours with no outside influences. Time in solitude is your time away from the world; from the rush of schedules and assignments. Your beliefs, your identity, your understanding of the world lies entirely within the crevices of your own brain and it is in solitude and reflection that you can bring them to the surface of your life.
Thank you.
Since childhood I have spent excessive amounts of time in solitude. When I was young I would hide away on the playground to read or write or just sit alone over playing with the other children, because there was something sacred about that time. Not much has changed and I often retreat to spend time in reflection. It is in this time that I was able to develop a sense of confidence and understanding of myself that has served me well in my life. It is only in solitude that you can truly learn about yourself, because it is only in solitude that your thoughts are solely yours with no outside influences. Time in solitude is your time away from the world; from the rush of schedules and assignments. Your beliefs, your identity, your understanding of the world lies entirely within the crevices of your own brain and it is in solitude and reflection that you can bring them to the surface of your life.
Thank you.
Tears of Laughter (5/16)
Thank you, friends, for bringing so many uncontrollable joytears to my eyes. You are truly blessings in my life.
Experiencing History (5/15)
I've always been fascinated with history. There's something about walking on the grounds, touching the walls, breathing the air of historical sites that leaves me in awe of everything that place means for the course of human history.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Friendly Strangers (5/14)
The kind that give you good directions when you're lost or strike up a conversation with you about Michael Jackson's hometown. That person becomes one more human connection you have to the world, and sometimes they even become your friend.
Thanks strangers.
Thanks strangers.
Medicine (5/13)
Before leaving I had been sick for a few weeks with a nasty upper respiratory infection. But now I am feeling so much better.
Thanks Penicillin.
Thanks Penicillin.
Bodies (5/12)
As a dancer my body is my means of expression, of release. It is my instrument. Most importantly, though, my body is a temporary container and carrier of my soul. As John O'Donohue says in his book "Anam Cara" "Your body is your clay home; your body is the only home you have in this universe... your body is the home of your soul on earth."
It is through this flesh vessel that I can connect with my more external home, the earth. I often dance barefoot to physically feel the texture of the earth beneath my feet.
Thank you, body, for allowing me to jump, to embrace, to fight, to climb, to dance. Bodies are magnificent creations and "it is such a privilege to be embodied."
It is through this flesh vessel that I can connect with my more external home, the earth. I often dance barefoot to physically feel the texture of the earth beneath my feet.
Thank you, body, for allowing me to jump, to embrace, to fight, to climb, to dance. Bodies are magnificent creations and "it is such a privilege to be embodied."
Airplanes (5/11)
After spending the entire day between three different airplanes I find myself so grateful for the beautiful metal birds. The world is condensed, within reach. In a matter of hours I have hopped an ocean to begin an adventure in a new corner of the world.
Thanks airplanes for carrying me and Wright brothers for making such a great invention all those years ago.
Thanks airplanes for carrying me and Wright brothers for making such a great invention all those years ago.
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