I recently got a new tattoo, my second, the word "gratitude" forever etched into my skin. I got it as a reminder to be ever thankful for the blessings this life has given me. It is a constant note meant to keep me living a life that is actively grateful, no matter the circumstances. It's a challenge to myself, really. Can I actually be aware every day of the rest of my life of things I am grateful for? Even when everything's falling apart, even when school is hard and relationships are ending, and family members are dying? Am I living up to the statement I am making with the fresh ink in my skin?
And so, I am embarking on a mission. Mission Gratitude. Every day I will find something of importance that I am eternally grateful for. I will focus on why it is a blessing, on what makes it special. And every day for the next year I will write here about that person/place/thing/idea and I will celebrate it. When you focus your energy on something, it grows. I pray that by focusing on my blessings I will be exponentially more blessed and more able to bless those around me.
Now I ask you, readers, WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR?
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